The BIG Training Walk is now on! Friday 29th June to Sunday 1st July, myself, my Dad and my friend, Dave Padgen, are all going to Derbyshire to walk nearly 30 miles in two days. We'll be camping out and doing a 'dry run' for the Coast to Coast in August.
As some of you may know, Dave is an experienced adventurer, climber and has taken part in expeditions around the world, so my little jaunt should be nothing to a man of his calibre! He has been really supportive and taken me on a practice walk up Mam Tor already. It will be great to have some company whilst out on the moors and hills of the White and Dark Peaks.
Our walk will follow a new route only recently created called 'White to Dark'. Starting in Bakewell, we will walk north, from the White Peak, all the way to Hope and Ladybower Reservoir.
The campsite is almost booked, and it'll be a great opportunity for me and Dad to get a sense of what it will actually be like when we go to the Lakes in August. It'll also be a good chance to get Dad used to all the gear and me used to walking in unfamiliar places and relying on the maps more.
More news to come about the training walk - keep checking back!
Check out Dave's website here
Stumbling Adventures
Route information for White to Dark on
Country Walking website

Route plan for
White to Dark (PDF)